Friday 8 June 2012

Education System of Pakistan

Education is the biggest weapon of any nation in this era. It is a vital investment for human and greatest asset for a nation to improve its economy. Pakistan is included in 3rd category country as its literacy rate is only 69%. The top countries have literacy rate almost 100%. One of the reason is that Pakistan spend only 1.25 GDP on education sector.
                                    Pakistan education system is divided into five levels Primary, Middle, High, Intermediate and Graduate. 80% of child got Primary education 8% got college education in Pakistan. Pakistan has no proper system of renew the Syllabus of Primary to College education. Almost syllabus remain same for the  previous 30 years a little bit change occur in syllabus after 5 years one of the reason Pakistani student had lacking in research.

                                    Pakistan has 108 private and government universities. 445000 universities graduate each year including 10000 computer sciences Students but job opportunities are very less in Pakistan. One of the reasons in increasing in crime in Pakistan. There is no research work in universities. The universities are failing to produce research papers. One of the reasons Pakistani universities are not included in top 1000 universities of world.

                                    The reason behind them is that no fund is given to universities by HEC. Pakistan has biggest youth power if job opportunities are not given or education system not be corrected Pakistan will face big problems. It might
unstable Pakistan. Pakistan will have to increase its GDP 1.25 to at least 5%. Funds have to given to universities. Research has to be started. Job opportunities have to be provided than Pakistan will be on right track.  Our People must understand:

“War could be won by knowledge not only weapon”

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